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CapexData powered by Project Projects gives suppliers data driven insight into capex activity in the main process manufacturing sectors in Europe.

Key Benefits
Our powerful CapexData platform provides statistical overview and insight into current and future capex project activity.
Looking to develop products & focus R&D?
Identify growing sectors to tailor future product offerings
Looking to allocate sales resource?
Spot investment trends by region and sector to get ahead of the competition.
Board meeting coming up?
Use our statistical information to inform your business development strategy and add weight to your conclusions. Add eye catching charts to illustrate your recommendations.
Want to analyse the market?
Easily track trends in average project size by region and sector.
“We have been using CapexData for over a year now and find it a great for obtaining a specific sector overview. It gives us clearly presented insight into when CAPEX spend is expected to be approved and the value, in a user-friendly format. It is particularly useful for our sales meetings – allowing us all to forecast and plan ahead.”
Sarah Spearing
Business Development Manager, NIRAS
How does it work?
CapexData is powered by the Protel Projects project bulletin service. Our highly detailed project reports are combined into a statistical package, with unique future projections based on analysis of our 20 years of historical capex project data.
Capex Charts
- Line, bar or geographical distribution charts.
- Highly customisable by year, sector, region and more.
- Multiple timeline views – capex approval or capex implementation.

Fast & Flexible
- Create eye-catching charts for reports, presentations or slide decks.
- Get an overview of how over a thousand individual capex projects are shaping a sector or region’s investment horizon.
- Quickly inform your decision making and power up your teams.
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